Earth First! 27, no. 6


  • Donny
  • Josh
  • Sasha
  • Sophia
  • Star


activism, anti-nuclear movement, journalism, conservation, deforestation, environmentalism, nonviolent resistance, political ecology, protests, wilderness


Donny, Josh, Sasha, Sophia, and Star, eds., Earth First! 27, no. 6 (1 September 2007). Republished by the Environment & Society Portal, Multimedia Library.

  • Defending the Wild in the Land of Fire and Ice
    Saving Iceland takes Action
  • What Goes Around Comes Around
    Day of Action Against 1-69
  • Brazil’s Landless Workers’ Movement
  • Anti-Nuclear Activist Murdered in Siberia
  • Discussions and Diving With Wingnuts
    2007 EF! Rendezvous Review
  • Trans’ and Wimmin’s Action Camp 2007 Review
  • Answering the Call of the Wild Earth
    2007 Wild Earth Gathering Review
  • Rising Tide Tour Reportback
  • Rising Tide Visits Pine Ridge
  • The Weak Points of Caterpillar
    A Guide to Heavy Machinery
  • The Journal’s Anti-Oppression Policy
  • EF! Defeats NATO in the Netherlands
  • Forest Defense in Oaxaca
  • The Environmental Impacts of the G8 Protests
  • Asheville Cyclists Protest the G8
  • Gazing After the G8A
    View From the Black Bloc
  • Assembly of First Nations Day of Action
    Reclaiming Land Rights in Canada
  • EF! Weekly World News
    Get the Real Scoop
  • Global Waming will Release the Blob
  • Peak Denial
    Using Forests for Biofuel
  • The Return of Nature
    Review of A World Without Us
  • A Beacon in the Darkness: The Animal Liberation Movement
    Review of From Dusk ‘til Dawn
  • Burning in the Night
    Review of Earth Liberation Front: 1997-2002
  • Awakening From the Nightmare of Zoos
    Review of Thought to Exist in the Wild
  • Phoenix From the Flames
    The First Epestle From Sade and Exile
  • Symbolic Struggle or Meaningful Change?
  • An Inside Look at Women’s Prisons
  • Miffed by Miffy

What do you get when you fuse the most brutal landowners of the Global South with some of the most powerful corporations of the North […]? You get transnational corporations that reap billions of dollars in profits, […] the devastation of Brazil’s precious ecosystems, and a people who inherit polluted aquifers, exhausted soils and genetically contaminated agricultural systems. 

— Juan Reardon

The Rachel Carson Center’s Environment & Society Portal makes archival materials openly accessible for purposes of research and education. Views expressed in these materials do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the Rachel Carson Center or its partners.

Earth First! 27, no. 6




