Earth First! Journal 20, no. 2


  • Aaron Coffin


activism, coal, journalism, conservation, deforestation, nonviolent resistance, political ecology, protests, wilderness


Coffin, Aaron, et al., eds., Earth First! Journal 20, no. 2 (21 December 1999). Republished by the Environment & Society Portal, Multimedia Library.

In this issue of Earth First! Journal Atossa Soltani gives an update on the campaign to halt the construction of the Guri high-voltage transmission line in Venezuela. In addition, Vivian Stockman calls for attention to coal companies removing mountain tops in West Virginia, and Tim Ream reports from the successful actions in Watch Mountain. 

"It’s a lot of fun to build a tree village but nowhere near the pleasure of taking one down. On November 22, the Cascadia Defense Network (CON) became the first group of US activists to take down a sit because the area they were protecting was no longer under threat. For now, Watch Mountain has been saved."

— Tim Ream

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Earth First! Fist, Volume 20





