Earth First! Journal 16, no. 4
activism, journalism, conservation, culture, deforestation, nonviolent resistance, political ecology, wildernessAbstract
Kahl, Garth, et al., eds., Earth First! Journal 16, no. 4 (20 March 1996). Republished by the Environment & Society Portal, Multimedia Library.
In this issue of Earth First! Journal Jim Flynn dedicates his editorial to discussing how to think global. Moreover, Mitch Friedman crushes myths regarding civil disobedience and Ron Huber brings good news from the coast of Maine, where the state government finally decided to throw in the towel on a proposed mega-woodchip port.
"At the risk of promoting ecotourism, I think everyone should travel far away from home at least once in their lives. Experiencing another culture will change your life, especially if you don’t travel in an RV (or any vehicle for that matter). The sooner that happens the sooner you can truly begin thinking globally; the more you travel, the more you’ll change; and the further you go, the further you get from the 'American Dream.'”
— Jim Flynn
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