Earth First! 9, no. 4
activism, journalism, conservation, deforestation, ecofeminism, nonviolent resistance, political ecology, resistance, wildernessAbstract
Davis, John, et al., eds., Earth First! 9, no. 4 (21 March 1989). Republished by the Environment & Society Portal, Multimedia Library.
In this issue of Earth First!, the editors launch some new regular features: biodiversity updates under the name “Obituaries” and a column called “The Human Horde” by Tom Stoddard that addresses population issues. In addition, Jamie Sayen contributes with a proposal for wilderness areas in New England, Benjamin White Jr. gives an update on the gathering of 600 Indians who are fighting against the exploitation of their lands in the Amazon region in Brazil, and Dolores LaChapelle discusses deep ecology and feminism.
"I’m too much of a Taoist, recognizing that all things in the universe need both male and female energy. I’ve been attacked by all sides. One side says I’m a feminist and therefore to be ignored; the other side attacks me because I am not a feminist. A third side […] angrily writes of the ”exclusion” of women from the deep ecology movement. But I am a woman and I was included from the beginning of the deep ecology movement, back in 1979, because my Earth Wisdom was recognized as deep ecology […]. In this movement, one is recognized as a deep ecologist by one’s work; it is not an exclusive club."
— Dolores LaChapelle
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